Tag Archive: Error

WordPress xml sitemap noindex errors – Google Search Console (aka Webmaster Tools)

If you notice Google Webmaster tools console flagging up the following…
Error – Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’ for http://site.com/sitemap.html

You can easily prevent these HTML files being created by the “XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress” plugin.

This is NOT in your site’s robots.txt file but instead it’s a meta tag in all html sitemap pages generated by the plugin.
The only page Google needs is the sitemap.xml file these extra html files aren’t needed.

  1. Login to wordpress (ofc)
  2. Go to settings > XML-sitemap
  3. Find and un-tick “Include sitemap in HTML format”
  4. Make sure to apply the change by scrolling to the bottom of page and click [Update options]

This article is specific to “XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress” https://www.arnebrachhold.de/projects/wordpress-plugins/google-xml-sitemaps-generator/

If this helps you out please feel free to say thanks by clicking “Buy Me a Coffee” PayPal button in the sidebar (here) or via:https://www.paypal.me/AlanHart

Thank You

Connect Tablet Front/Back Camera Not Working – Intel AVStream Camera – Error code: 0xA00F4243(0xC00D3704)

I bought a cheap (£39.99) Connect 8″ Tablet with Windows 10 from eBuyer. It’s pretty good considering the price.
One problem i have had, when switching between front and back cameras, is getting the following message…

Close other apps
It looks as though another app is already using the camera.
If you need it, heres the error code: 0xA00F4243(0xC00D3704)

After much searching online and reinstalling the camera/driver not solving the issue, there are two ways to get this to work:

Method 1: Install Windows 10 Anniversary Update…

Visit this URL on the device:

Click [Update Now]

Method 2: A basic workaround…

  1. Hold down the windows button and tap the power button (This is the same as holding Ctrl + Alt + Delete) (home button on other devices)
  2. Tap the [Cancel] button.
  3. BOOM! camera works!

Note: You will have to do this each time you switch…Annoying but at least it works without updating!

I believe it does this because the camera app itself is the “other app” mentioned in the error message. As the camera is already in use it fails to switch.

Performing Win + PWR (ctrl+alt+del) stops the current camera and allows it to switch.

Updating to the latest version of Windows 10 fixes the camera app issue.

If you had this problem and it helped you out please tweet or comment below stating the Tablet/Phone model you had the issue with hopefully it will help someone else.

If this helps you out please feel free to say thanks by clicking “Buy Me a Coffee” PayPal button in the sidebar (here) or via:https://www.paypal.me/AlanHart

Thank You