Hostgator GDPR Compliance

I couldn’t find anything on the hostgator website about GDPR, so emailed privacy(at)

Update: Hostgator have since added some gdpr compliance information:

Here is the email we sent to hostgator:

“We currently use Hostgator to host our websites.
Please can you let me know your status with becoming compliant with the new EU data privacy law (GDPR) which comes into effect on 25th May?
The law states that all our data processors (suppliers) must adhere to the law even if they are not based in the EU.”

Got a response and figured this might be useful for some people (UK & EU customers of hostgator) to know…

[27/04/2018] Currently, HostGator is not compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation. However, we are committed to achieving compliance with the GDPR by May 25, 2018. This will include work that will be “behind the scenes” such as the reviewing and revision of our agreements, internal processes, features, templates, and policies as necessary to assure our compliance.

With becoming GDPR complaint, both HostGator and our clients have obligations. Our Terms of Service requires that clients lawfully obtain and process all personal data appropriately which is something that must continue with becoming GDPR compliant. If you collect EU residents’ personal data, you are likely to be classified as a data controller under the General Data Protection Regulation. To clarify, this means you will have some additional obligations around such things as data subject rights.

We urge you to understand this and seek legal advice where you think necessary. HostGator is reviewing providing our customers with additional features, such as updated consent tools and the ability to respond to a customer data subject request. Moving forward, this email has now established a direct line of communication with our Management Team and will remain assigned to our Department. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns that we have yet to address.

This is a well written and reassuring response :)
I hope this info is useful to you.

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