I’m in a book!

This book in fact…

Fuck Yeah Video Games by Daniel Hardcastle

OK, well technically I had very little to do with the book in question.
I just backed it waaaay back in time (June 2018 to be precise) along with 9364 other geeks, gamers and fans of NerdCubed on Unbound (a crowdsourcing platform for books)

I’ve yet to read it, as it just arrived this morning, but as a supporter of the book i got to have my name or whatever else I wanted immortalised in the book forever! So naturally ,being the geek that I am, I chose this blog/website.

It’s a real, 100% bonefide book… available from waterstones which is kinda cool.

If you came here from seeing my website in the book please comment below, It will be interesting (for me, at least) to see how many people were bored/dumb enough to come here.

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