Tag Archive: Webmaster Tools

WordPress xml sitemap noindex errors – Google Search Console (aka Webmaster Tools)

If you notice Google Webmaster tools console flagging up the following…
Error – Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’ for http://site.com/sitemap.html

You can easily prevent these HTML files being created by the “XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress” plugin.

This is NOT in your site’s robots.txt file but instead it’s a meta tag in all html sitemap pages generated by the plugin.
The only page Google needs is the sitemap.xml file these extra html files aren’t needed.

  1. Login to wordpress (ofc)
  2. Go to settings > XML-sitemap
  3. Find and un-tick “Include sitemap in HTML format”
  4. Make sure to apply the change by scrolling to the bottom of page and click [Update options]

This article is specific to “XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress” https://www.arnebrachhold.de/projects/wordpress-plugins/google-xml-sitemaps-generator/

If this helps you out please feel free to say thanks by clicking “Buy Me a Coffee” PayPal button in the sidebar (here) or via:https://www.paypal.me/AlanHart

Thank You

YouTube – Associated website “pending”

After jumping through all the hoops to try and get a website verified on a company YouTube channel (in order to link to the company website via annotations) the associated website was still showing as “Pending”

(here: https://www.youtube.com/advanced_settings)

To fix this, after much frustration and googling I discovered this page in webmaster tools…


I added the YouTube user account email to associated users at the bottom and the site was instantly associated in YouTube!

Hope this helps you and saves you a bit of time.

If this helps you out please feel free to say thanks by clicking “Buy Me a Coffee” PayPal button in the sidebar (here) or via:https://www.paypal.me/AlanHart

Thank You