Tag Archive: online poker

Easy to Play Poker and Make Money

I’ve been playing poker online for a while now and the best one (for me anyway) is PKR. I have made a nice bit of money from it, not a ton of cash but a tidy sum.

PKR is easy to play and get to grips with even if you’ve never played before.

You don’t have to play for real money to begin with, you have the option to play for “play money” and the game-play is exactly the same as “real money”

If you want to check it out for yourself click the image on the right or click here

If you’re new to poker or just want to know a bit more about the game PKR has some good guides or check out the Gambling-Addict site for Poker Info and Poker Gameplay Rules as well as some handy poker hand cards to cut out and keep to hand.