Tag Archive: .htaccess

URL Redirect Check Tool – 301 Redirect Checker

I have made simple Redirect Check Tool.This tool can quickly and easily tell you if an URL redirects to another, the URL where it redirects to and the response headers returned by the server.

This is useful for SEO purposes and also if you have asked your web hosting company to make 301 redirect changes on your behlaf and you wish to check everything redirects OK

Enter an URL in the form below and you’ll be taken to the results page where you will see the URL header response code (type of redirect) and where the URL redirects to.

Enter URL to check

See more of my handy tools here: Tools


Single PHP error page to handle all response headers / errors

There might be an easier way of doing this but i’ve been working on a project which needed the following which i have done as a simple single php page and thought i’d share it in case anyone wants to do the same thing.

  1. Error page generated by dynamic pages
    (using any code; 403, 404 etc)
  2. Error page to handle genuine errors
    (404 ‘Not Found’, 403 ‘Forbidden’ etc)
  3. Forbid visitors from visiting sensitive areas/directories
    also returning 403 ‘forbidden’ header.
    (e.g. /images, /css /javascript, /ajax etc)

Download all these files: http-error-code.zip

instructions for use are commented within the error.php code but in summary:

You need to create a .htaccess entry for each error code:

Code for .htaccess:

ErrorDocument 403 /error/error.php
ErrorDocument 404 /error/error.php

For forbidden folders just add this code into a file called index.php then put this file into the folder that you want to forbid directory listing for:

Code for index.php:

// Set response code
$error = 403; //Forbidden
// include the error page (
include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/error/error.php'); // assuming "/error/error.php" is the location/name of this file
// stop processing the current page

Save this code to a file called error.php and save to yourdomain.com/errors/error.php

Code for error.php:

PHP Response Header / Error Page Generator
Created by Alan Hart (www.alanhart.co.uk)

To generate response from another page, as a result of incorrect database query or invalid content etc just add this code:
(make sure no page output has been generated before this include)

// Set response code
$error = 403; //Forbidden
// include the error page (
include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/error/error.php'); // assuming "/error/error.php" is the location/name of this file
// stop processing the current page

Hide the default directory listing for a folder
e.g. /images, /css, /java etc.

1. create a blank file called index.php
2. paste the php code above into the file
3. place it inside the folder

// ------------------------------
// THE CODE...
// ------------------------------

// if the error code has been set by referring page:
if ($error <> ""){
// Use the error code from referring page
$code = $error;
} else {
// Use the error code from server

// set $path variable to the requested path/uri
$path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

// Create array with error codes and messages
// You must add a line to .htaccess for each code used here.
// e.g.
// ErrorDocument 403 /error/error.php
// ErrorDocument 404 /error/error.php
// etc...
// (assuming /error/error.php is the location/name of this file)

// Common Error Codes / Responses:
$response['403'] = array('title' => '403 Forbidden', 'message' => 'The server has refused to fulfill your request.
You do not have permission to access '.$path.' on this server.');
$response['404'] = array('title' => '404 Not found', 'message' => 'The document/file requested was not found on this server.') ;
$response['405'] = array('title' => '405 Method Not Allowed', 'message' => 'The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the specified resource.') ;
$response['408'] = array('title' => '408 Request Timeout', 'message' => 'Your browser failed to send a request in the time allowed by the server.') ;
$response['500'] = array('title' => '500 Internal Server Error', 'message' => 'The request was unsuccessful due to an unexpected condition encountered by the server.') ;
$response['502'] = array('title' => '502 Bad Gateway', 'message' => 'The server received an invalid response from the upstream server while trying to fulfill the request.') ;
$response['504'] = array('title' => '504 Gateway Timeout', 'message' => 'The upstream server failed to send a request in the time allowed by the server.') ;

// Other header response codes (not necessarily errors) that you may want to use:
// $response['100'] = array('title' => '100 Continue', 'message' => 'Continue')
// $response['101'] = array('title' => '101 Switching Protocols', 'message' => 'Switching Protocols')
// $response['200'] = array('title' => '200 OK', 'message' => 'OK') // *Not an error so should never be handled by this script*
// $response['201'] = array('title' => '201 Created', 'message' => 'Created')
// $response['202'] = array('title' => '202 Accepted', 'message' => 'Accepted')
// $response['203'] = array('title' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information', 'message' => 'Non-Authoritative Information')
// $response['204'] = array('title' => '204 No Content', 'message' => 'No Content')
// $response['205'] = array('title' => '205 Reset Content', 'message' => 'Reset Content')
// $response['206'] = array('title' => '206 Partial Content', 'message' => 'Partial Content')
// $response['300'] = array('title' => '300 Multiple Choices', 'message' => 'Multiple Choices')
// $response['301'] = array('title' => '301 Moved Permanently', 'message' => 'Moved Permanently') // *Not an error so should never be handled by this script*
// $response['302'] = array('title' => '302 Found', 'message' => 'Found')
// $response['303'] = array('title' => '303 See Other', 'message' => 'See Other')
// $response['304'] = array('title' => '304 Not Modified', 'message' => 'Not Modified')
// $response['305'] = array('title' => '305 Use Proxy', 'message' => 'Use Proxy')
// $response['307'] = array('title' => '307 Temporary Redirect', 'message' => 'Temporary Redirect') // *Not an error so should never be handled by this script*
// $response['400'] = array('title' => '400 Bad Request', 'message' => 'Bad Request')
// $response['401'] = array('title' => '401 Unauthorized', 'message' => 'Unauthorized')
// $response['402'] = array('title' => '402 Payment Required', 'message' => 'Payment Required')
// $response['406'] = array('title' => '406 Not Acceptable', 'message' => 'Not Acceptable')
// $response['407'] = array('title' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required', 'message' => 'Proxy Authentication Required')
// $response['409'] = array('title' => '409 Conflict', 'message' => 'Conflict')
// $response['410'] = array('title' => '410 Gone', 'message' => 'Gone')
// $response['411'] = array('title' => '411 Length Required', 'message' => 'Length Required')
// $response['412'] = array('title' => '412 Precondition Failed', 'message' => 'Precondition Failed')
// $response['413'] = array('title' => '413 Request Entity Too Large', 'message' => 'Request Entity Too Large')
// $response['414'] = array('title' => '414 Request-URI Too Large', 'message' => 'Request-URI Too Large')
// $response['415'] = array('title' => '415 Unsupported Media Type', 'message' => 'Unsupported Media Type')
// $response['416'] = array('title' => '416 Requested range not satisfiable', 'message' => 'Requested range not satisfiable')
// $response['417'] = array('title' => '417 Expectation Failed', 'message' => 'Expectation Failed')
// $response['418'] = array('title' => '418 I\'m a teapot', 'message' => '(RFC 2324) Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol')
// $response['501'] = array('title' => '501 Not Implemented', 'message' => 'Not Implemented')
// $response['503'] = array('title' => '503 Service Unavailable', 'message' => 'Service Unavailable')

// get the relevant title from array
$title = $response[$status]['title'];

// get the relevant message from array
$message = $response[$status]['message'];

// return message if error code provided isn't in the $codes array
if ($title == false || strlen($code) != 3) {
$message = 'Please supply a valid status code.';
// Return response header(s) with relevant code
header("HTTP/1.1 ".$title);

// Customise the page to be displayed below...

// -------------------------------------------------------
// You can use the variables $title and $message in the page
// -------------------------------------------------------
// e.g.
//        echo "<h2>".$title."</h2><p>".$message."</p>";
// -------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------------------------------
// !! IMPORTANT !!
// -------------------------------------------------------
// if you want to include a header / footer in the page displayed
// make sure you use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] in your include code
// e.g.
//         include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/inc/header.php");
// this ensures the header/footer path is always correct
// e.g.
//        actual path of header.php = "http://www.domain.com/inc/header.php"
//         if path/uri is "domain.com/foo/" header path would incorrectly become "domain.com/foo/inc/header.php"
//        if path/uri is "domain.com/foo/bar/" header path would incorrectly become "domain.com/foo/bar/inc/header.php"
// -------------------------------------------------------

// Include your own header here
//         include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/inc/header.php");
// or use HTML as below
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Error: <?php print $title;?></title>
<?php echo '<h2>'.$title.'</h2><p>'.$message.'</p>'; ?>
// Include your own footer here
//         include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/inc/footer.php");
// or use HTML as below