Compare CSS Stylesheet Tool – Update

In December 2010 i made my compare stylesheet tool available on my site for everyone.

It had a few shortcomings (pointed out to me by a few of you) so I’ve made some nice additions! Hurrah!

What does it do?
For those who don’t already know, CSS is a standard used to define Web site presentation styles.
When a Web designer creates a CSS stylesheet for a site, he will evolve it through multiple versions with incremental changes.

This tool allows a web designer to clearly see the differences between two css stylesheet files (classes only, not values)

Compare CSS Stylesheets

A webpage that takes two CSS files and compares the classes contained in both. Resulting differences are highlighted in red.


  • Optional flag “(!)” can be added next to every difference for quick & easy text search.
  • Text boxes at bottom of page for easy copy and paste of CSS code (also with optional “(!)” flag for easy text search)
  • Usage:
    Click the “Compare CSS Tool” link below and simply upload the css files you want to compare and click the compare button.

    Compare CSS Tool


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