Annoying call centre phone calls

I’m always randomly getting phone calls on my mobile from various numbers (usually: 02920 368700)

06/06/06 @ 20:41
07/06/06 @ 18:57
08/06/06 @ 09:46
08/06/06 @ 16:23
26/10/06 @ 15:34 from 02920 368705

*updated 01/2008*
11/01/08 @ 14:40 from 02392 604460
12/01/08 @ 11:38 from 02392 604460
14/01/08 @ 10:35 from 02392 604460
15/01/08 @ 14:12 from 02392 604460
15/01/08 @ 16:51 from 02392 604460
16/01/08 @ 10:41 from 02392 604460
I Searched for this number on the net and found an old blog entry from 2005, and another entry in GoogleCache from

I’m not answering them. I think it’s a scam to try and get you to switch phone contracts, without you realising you are switching. They pose as your service provider, ask you to do a security check to get your postcode and house number, and that’s all the details they need to switch you over. They’ll probably say they can get you an upgrade to a newer phone too. (I read an article about this in this months which? magazine)

Just thought i’d stick this out on the InterWeb for everyone.

These are other ways of writing the number which you might have searched for:
02920 368700, 02920368700, 02920 368 700
[new number: 02920368705, 02920 368705, 02920 368 705]
[new number: 02392604460, 02392 604460, 02392 604 460] * updated 01/2008

If you’ve answered one of these calls or have had a call from this number please post a comment for all to see.


  1. gem

    I’ve had about 10 calls from this number recently, it’s driving me mad! 4 Today, but because it’s my company phone they hang up when I answer. ARRRRGH!

  2. Ted Taylor

    I have subscribed to the TPS but it does not stop the calls. I call today from “Paul Salter” who said he was from “Consumer Credit Advice”. Given that the IVA authorities don’t know this company, I dare say it is bogus. However, the guy knew my wife’s (unusual) first name. He was also very aggressive and pushy, so I called him an ignorant bastard and hung up. We’ve been getting these calls for months. Next time he’ll get a loud whistle in his ear.

  3. Bob Shaw

    They are still calling me on 02392604460. Can nothing be done about these clowns?

  4. M Rowland

    I have received three missed calls from the 02920 368 700 number. It is a Cardiff STD code. Google search as stated shows it to be a phishing call centre to try to con recipients who answer into changing their service provider.
    To stop receiving ‘junk telephone calls on mobile and landline numbers go to the following site. Read forst then register. I have and my landline junk calls stopped. It takes upto 28 days to fully work.

  5. Richard Morgan

    Thanks for this info. I received a call from 02392604460 at 12.04pm on 19.02.08 but pressed Busy as I was on another call. First of all I thought it was a Cardiff number as I didn’t recognise it then I Googled it and I am glad I did when I read about the scamming. I never answer unsolicited calls on my mobile but thanks to all who are diligent on our behalf – I know not to answer this one either!

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